[Fdu] Fwd: Fwd: PANEL DISCUSSION AND BOOK LAUNCH (Gindin, Healy, Panitch, Schenk, Schiacchitano, Roman) -- Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America (Roman and Velasco Arregui)
Peter Fitting
p.fitting at utoronto.ca
Fri Apr 12 09:39:40 EDT 2013
> **
> Continental Crucible:Big Business, Workers and Unions in
> the Transformation of North America (Fernwood)
> *by Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui*,
> *Saturday, April 20, 2013, 7 PM, at**Tecumseh Auditorium (Room 115),
> Ryerson Student Centre, 55 Gould Street, Toronto***
> *_SAM GINDIN_*, Packer Chair in Social Sciences, York University and
> former chiefeconomist <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economist>and
> Assistant to the President of theCanadian Auto Workers
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Auto_Workers>
> *_LEO PANITCH_**,*Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political
> Economy and Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science,
> York University,
> *_CHRIS SCHENK_**,*teaches in the Department of Industrial Relations,
> University of Toronto and is former Research Director of the Ontario
> Federation of Labour
> *_KATHERINE SCIACCHITANO_*is a former labor lawyer and organizer and
> presently a professor at the National Labor College, Washington, D.C.
> *_RICHARD ROMAN_**,*Associate Professor Emeritus, Sociology,
> University of Toronto, and Fellow, Centre for Research on Latin
> America and the Caribbean, York University.
> Moderated by*_TERESA HEALY_*, Visiting Professor, Institute of
> Political Economy, Carleton University and Senior Researcher, Canadian
> Labour Congress
> *Music by Healy and Juravich***
> **
> *Co-sponsored by Ryerson Student Union*
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