[natphil] Natural Philosophers Meeting Oct. 11th

Stephen Morris smorris at physics.utoronto.ca
Sat Oct 1 01:08:45 EDT 2011

Join the Natural Philosophers on Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m. for a talk by

Dr. Andrew Miall. Physics Building, U of T, Room 408

“Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters”

Get the Facts from an Expert!!

Dr. Andrew Miall was born and educated in Brighton, England, and completed his B.Sc. in Geology at the University of London in 1965. He emigrated to Canada in that year and joined the graduate research program in Arctic geology at University of Ottawa, gaining a Ph.D. from this work in 1969. He worked for several companies in Calgary and then joined the Geological Survey of Canada in Calgary in 1972 as a Research Scientist in the Arctic Islands section, working on a wide variety of regional basin studies.

Andrew Miall has been Professor of Geology at the Geology Department, University of Toronto since 1979. He is a very knowledgeable writer and speaker on the subject of natural disasters.

In the fall of 2010, he began his involvement in committees dealing with improving the management of air and water pollution, as industrial development activity in the oil sands increases in the coming decades.

For details on the many varied achievements of Dr. Andrew Miall, visit: http://www.geology.utoronto.ca/Members/maill for a full biography.

posted by
|    Stephen Morris     | If everything seems          |
|   Dept. of Physics    | under control,               |
| University of Toronto | you're not going fast enough.|
|   (416) 978-6810      |     -- Mario Andretti        |
|      http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/nonlinear        |

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