[natphil] Natural Philosophers

ED MORRISON edalmo at bell.net
Mon Sep 2 20:54:47 EDT 2013

Our first meeting of the Fall season is Tues. Sept. 10th at 7:30 P.M. in Room 408. Our speaker will be Prof. Ken Norwich, Dept. of Physics, U of T, and he will give a presentation on the connections between physics and neurophysiology.
At our June meeting we discussed the two problems our group is faced with - obtaining speakers and poor attendance. With the co-operation of Peter Krieger, U of T, we have found a reliable pool of speakers. However no speaker wants to devote hours on a presentation for just a dozen attendees, so unless we can consistently produce strong turnouts, we risk losing access to these speakers. The future of our group rests in your hands.
Ed Morrison 		 	   		  
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